
创建时间:  2020/11/19  张杰   浏览次数:   返回




出生日期:1968.   5









研究方向:发光材料和纳米材料化学。陕西子洲人,2002年于中山大学获得理学博士学位,无机化学专业。荣获2001年中山大学陶氏奖学金。20021 ~ 4月在香港浸会大学物理系从事有机电致发光器件的制作与性能研究。博士毕业后到上海大学化学系从事发光材料、纳米材料化学方面的研究工作,荣获上海大学第六届今井嘉夫基金奖(2004年)、上海大学理学院2002-2003年度科研工作论文优秀奖(2004年)。20052 ~ 9月在台湾国立清华大学化工系做副教授研究员,从事Ir3+有机电致磷光材料的合成研究工作。20168月至今在南洋理工大学Subodh教授课题组访学一年。



【编著教材】: 主编《无机化学》、《工程化学实验》等3部。


1.     安保礼Zn2+敏化的稀土上转换发光材料及其合成方法, 授权日: 2016.5.25, 中国,专利号:ZL 201410492419.3

2.     安保礼,马丽华。上转换发光材料及其制备方法。授权日: 2016.01.20专利号:ZL 201310222535.9

3安保礼,黄小迪,马丽华。一种有机配体、其稀土有机荧光探针材料及其制备方法。授权日: 2013.11.20, 中国,专利号:ZL   201210179208.5

4.    安保礼,戴樊增,甲醇低温燃烧用Pt/TiO2复合催化剂的制备方法,授权日:2012.1.4,中国,专利号:ZL 201010023117.3

5.    安保礼,戴樊增,黄小迪,负载型Pt/TiO2/Al2O3纤维复合光催化剂及其制备方法, 授权日: 2012.12.19,   中国,专利号:ZL   201110042985.0


【论文著作】:发表研究论文50余篇,SCI收录30多篇,EI收录17篇,被SCI他引400多次,单篇最高引用110次,在SCI一区期刊(J Alloys and   Compd. J.   Lumin.) 上发表论文10篇(第一作者或通讯联系人), SCI二区期刊(RSC Adv.; Inorg.   Chim. Acta.; Polyhedron; Mater. Res. Bull.; J. Mater. Sci. in El; J. Rare.   Earth)上发表论文7篇(第一作者或通讯联系人)。

1.  Hui-Fang Xiong, Bao-Li An*, Ji-Ming Zhang,   Chang-ling Yin, Xiao-Hong Wang, Jia-Hui Wang, Jia-Qiang Xu*, Efficient one step synthesis of green carbon quantum dots   catalyzed by tin oxide, Materials Today Communications, (in press)   https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101762

2.    An Bao-Li*,   Huang Xiao-Di, Zhang Ji-Ming, Zhu Xiao-Ya, Xu Jia-Qiang, Synthesis and strong   luminescence of water soluble lanthanide complexes sensitized by a new   tridentate organic ligand, Journal of Luminescence, 2017, 187: 340346.

3   An Bao-Li*, Fu Yan-He, Dai Fan-Zeng, Xu Jia-Qiang Platinum   nanoparticle modified TiO2 nanorods with enhanced catalytic   performances   Journal of Alloys and Compounds2015, 622: 426–431.

4  An   Bao-Li*, Ma Li-Hua, Fang Jian-Hiu, Wang Yu-Qin, Xu Jia-Qiang*.   Multi-photon upconversion luminescence from a CaxYF3+2x   host by doping with Yb3+/Er3+ or Yb3+/Tm3+.   RSC Advances, 2013, 3: 19909-19912.

5 An Bao-Li* , Dai Fan-Zeng, Zhang Yan-Ling,   Song JianHuang   Xiao-Di, Xu Jia-Qiang*, Luminescent sensitization and blue shift   emission of Ir(ppy)2(VPHD) by copolymerization with MMA Journal of   Luminescence, 2011, 131: 1677–1681.

6.    Ren   Yuan-Yuan, An Bao-Li*, Xu Qian.   Strong luminescence of novel water-soluble lanthanide complexes sensitized   by pyridine-2,4,6-tricarboxylic acid. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010,   501: 42–46.

7.    An   Bao-Li*, Song Jian, Cheah Kok-Wai, Ren Yuan-Yuan, Cheng   Zhi-Xuan. Structure and NIR luminescence of lanthanide(III) complexes with an   organic tridentate ligand. Inorganic Chimica Acta, 2009, 362(9): 3196-3200.

8  An   Bao-Li*, Zhang Na, Cheah Kok-Wai, Pan Qing-Yi. High yield   luminescence of a novel europium complex by excimer excitation and f-f absorption   of Eu3+. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 458(1-2): 457-461.

9  An   Bao-Li *, Hua Chuan-Wei, Ma Hong-Liang, Pan Qing-Yi and Li   Ming-Xin. High yield luminescence of a novel homonuclear europium complex by   excimer excitation absorption. Journal of Luminescence, 2007, 127: 297-301.

10.  An   Bao-Li *, Gong Meng-Lian, Li Ming-Xing, Zhang Ji-Ming and   Cheng Zhi-XuanSynthesis   and Luminescence of a Novel Conjugated Europium Complex with 6-Aniline   Carbonyl 2-Pyridine Carboxylic Acid. Journal of Fluorescence, 2005 , 15(4):   613-617.

11.   An   Bao-Li *, Gong Meng-Lian, Cheah Kok-Wai, Zhang   Ji-Ming, Li King-Fai. Synthesis and bright luminescence of lanthanide   (Eu(III), Tb(III)) complexes sensitized with a novel organic ligand. Chemical   Physics Letters, 2004, 385(5-6): 345-350. 他引56

12.  An   Bao-Li *, Gong Meng-Lian, Cheah Kok-Wai, Wong   Wai-kwok, Zhang Ji-Ming. Synthesis, structure and photoluminescence of novel   lanthanide (Tb(III), Gd(III)) complexes with 6-diphenylamine carbonyl   2-pyridine carboxylate. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2004, 368(1-2): 326-332.

13.  An   Bao-Li *, Gong Meng-Lian, Li Ming-Xing, Zhang   Ji-Ming. Synthesis, structure and luminescence properties of samarium(III)   and dysprosium(III) complexes with a new tridentate organic ligand. Journal   of Molecular Structure, 2004, 687: 1-6.他引110

