今日化学系列报告第367讲 How to get published with Elsevier journals

创建时间:  2022/11/26  刘志玲   浏览次数:   返回

今日化学系列报告 第367讲

报告题目 (Title):How to get published with Elsevier journals

报告人 (Speaker):蒋峰博士

报告时间 (Time):2021年11月25日 (周六)

报告地点 (Place):https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/LkWHGkcoSjjX




Given the ever-increasing number of submitted manuscripts, it is challenging for a manuscript to be accepted and published in high impact journals. Dr. Feng Jiang will briefly introduce the framework of materials science journals from Elsevier and provide insights into the general editorial workflow. The report will offer helpful strategies to publish more impactful papers with Elsevier, including choosing the journal with suitable aim & scope, impress the editor with good title & abstract, etc. Also Dr. Jiang will share with audience about his experience on manuscript pre-evaluation and ethical issues, tips to convince the editors to reach the peer-review process, and address the scholars’ main concerns on preparing their manuscript.


蒋峰博士是化学系校友(14年获得上大硕士学位),目前任职于在全球最大的科学出版商爱思唯尔,担任科学技术以及医药期刊部门10余本物质期刊的期刊经理,全面负责期刊的运营管理,包括但不限于期刊的科学定位,发展战略制定,期刊的编辑团队的构建,管理与任命,以及高质量期刊内容的获取等。最近,爱思唯尔出版社依托材料科学旗舰期刊(MATERIALS TODAY, 影响因子 26)创办了一本新期刊, Materials Today Catalyis(期刊期望的影响因子是30左右)

蒋峰博士明天下午1点钟有一个线上的交流会,主题是“How to get published with Elsevier journals”

上一条:今日化学系列报告第368讲 Hydrogen-a matter of protons and electrons

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