报告题目 (Title): Recent Advancement of Mixed-anion Science
报告人 (Speaker): Hiroshi Kageyama
报告时间 (Time):2024年8月30日 (周五) 9:00-10:00
报告地点 (Place):校本部 HA102
邀请人(Inviter): 唐亚
Prof. Kageyama is a solid-state chemists, condensed-matter physicists, and crystallographers. The key objectives of his research include creating new materials and establishing the basic theory of mixed anion compounds. His team aims to develop design concepts and methodologies that will lead to practical applications within the next 10 to 30 years. Additionally, they hope to uncover new chemical and physical functionalities that can address societal needs over the same time frame.
Mixed anion compounds have been known for many years and even exist as minerals, but little attention was paid to them in the last century. However, several landmark discoveries since 2000 have reignited interest in them across various research fields, from chemistry to physics. The guiding principles for the study of mixed anions—especially in terms of synthesis, analysis, and function—remain largely unexplored. Much of the existing knowledge on synthesis and function has been developed for oxide materials, which are not always applicable to mixed anion compounds.
Hiroshi Kageyama于1998年获得日本京都大学博士学位,2010年-至今任京都大学工学研究科物质能源化学专攻教授;2017年至今担任“Inorganic Chemistry”副主编;荣获第35回井上学術賞;2021年至今担任日本科学技术振兴机构“未来材料先锋项目”总负责人。在Nature、Science等高水平杂志发表论文多篇,H影响因子66。